Financial Administration

As Chief Fiscal Officer, the City Manager oversees the fiscal administration of the city.  City Treasurer Paula Dickey and Controller Sharon Suter are both elected to their offices and help to ensure sound stewardship of resident resources.  The city’s financial administration provides a variety of services including the collection of property, mercantile/business privilege taxes, license fees and water & sewer payments.  All funds collected by the police and airport operations are collected through the Treasurer’s Office.  Borrowing for capital-related purchases is not used for day-to-day expenses of the city.  Both Real Estate Taxes and Local Services Taxes are collected by independent third parties on the city’s behalf.

View our financial data and compare us to other municipalities at

Recent Budgets (Budgets are deliberated by the City Council beginning in November of each year and approved by December 31 to apply to the subsequent year – e.g.:  2015 budget is approved by December 31, 2014).  Budgets here may not reflect Amendments made throughout the fiscal year.

Recent Audits (Audits for the previous year are performed beginning, traditionally, in March of the following year and completed by the fall – e.g.:  2014 audit begins March 2015, completed fall 2015).

Click here to view the Audit in the CLGS-30 form (more condensed version)