New Hire & Annual Safety Training

Fire Extinguisher Use  and download the Safety Talk Sheet

Avoiding Heat Related Injuries  and download the Safety Talk Sheet

Safe Lifting and Material Handling and download the Safety Talk Sheet

Preventing Falls, Slips & Trips

Safe Mowing Habits

Ticks & Lyme Disease and download the Safety Talk Sheet

SDS:  Safety Data Sheets

Distracted Driver Prevention Training

  1. Jacy Good:  Victim of Distracted Driving (6 minutes):  Click here to view this video clip of a survivor’s personal message, “Hang Up and Drive”
  2. The Monkey Business Illusion (2 minutes):  Click here to view this video clip illustrating a fascinating human trait
  3. National Safety Council: Hands-free is not Risk-free (2 minutes):  Click here for the facts vs. myths on cell phone use while driving
  4. Safety National: Attention and Distraction (30 minutes during which you can pause):  Course ID:           LOCKHAVEN.  Student #:           first initial last name (for example, sflake for Snow Flake).  Click here to begin the course