Jon Hart, GIS Technician: (570) 893-5900
Accurate mapping is the means to properly track what comprises the City’s water, wastewater, and storm water systems. The City Engineers Office is currently building a citywide GIS system as a tool for updating, and analyzing the water and sewer distribution and collection network. Placing this information in such a system allows more precise data to be stored, and enables the City to more efficiently manage its utility infrastructure. Using GPS technology the Engineers Office field locates, verifies and surveys manholes, catch basins, valves, lift stations, etc. to create accurate system mapping. These maps will replace decades of paper records and ‘as-built’ plans that are difficult to maintain and analyze.
Clinton County Online Parcel Map
- GIS – Geographic information system. An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information.
- GPS – Global positioning system. A system of satellites and receiving devices used to compute positions on the Earth. GPS is used in navigation, and its precision supports cadastral surveying.